Brooklyn Gardens Elementary School operates five days a week, Monday through Friday, beginning on Thursday, September 8, 2022, for all students through June 27, 2023. The school day begins at 8:00 am and ends at 2:20 pm. Daily attendance is expected of all students. Students are expected to arrive at school by no later than 8:00 AM each day. The school building will be open for early arrivals beginning at 7:30 AM daily. Attendance is closely monitored and any attendance rate below 90% (6 or more school days) places your child in the Chronically Absent category. Students may miss school for illness, emergency, or religious reasons. However, absences must be reported to the school and medical documentation should be provided, when possible. While these are considered excused absences they still count towards a students attendance record.
COVID-19 Related Absences
If, at any time, your child is required to miss school due to a COVID-19 related illness or exposure, this must be reported to the school immediately. Remote learning will be made available to any students who are required to quarantine. Additional information regarding COVID-19 related absences will be provided as needed on a case by case basis. Please refer to the NYC DOE website for more information regarding COVID-19 policies.