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What is a PA/PTA?

Parent Associations (PAs) and ParentTeacher Associations (PTAs) are school-based organizations open to all parents of children currently attending a New York City public school.  The PA/PTA is a primary vehicle for parents to get involved in their children’s schools. How do I join my school’s PA/PTA? All parents are automatically members of their school’s PA/PTA. There are no pre-qualifications required to participate in a school’s PA/PTA. There is no need to join the PA/PTA. The term parent includes the student’s parent or guardian, or any person in a parental or custodial relationship to the student.


Eunice Lampley Fredricks


What is the role of the PA/PTA?

The PA/PTA helps parents become involved in their children’s education, share ideas, and enrich their school communities. Each PA/PTA develops its own bylaws, elects officers, and holds regular meetings.

While the specific roles of PA/PTAs vary, their responsibilities include:

  • Electing parent members to serve on School Leadership Teams and Community Education Councils

  •  Conducting outreach to get other parents involved in school life

  • Supporting school activities like Parent-Teacher Conferences, open houses and curriculum nights

  • Holding fundraising activities to benefit the educational, social and cultural programs in the school

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